Our professional rugs/carpet cleaning service is designed to rejuvenate and refresh your home's flooring. With our team of experts, we use industry-leading methods and equipment to deep clean and remove stains from your carpets and rugs. Our process not only removes dirt and allergens, but also helps to restore the appearance and texture of your flooring. Our trained professionals take care to treat each specific type of carpet and rug with the appropriate cleaning solution, ensuring a thorough and effective clean. Trust us to leave your carpets and rugs looking like new and feeling fresh.
Professional Rug/Carpet Cleaning
Please note our business hours Mon-Sat (0930-1730).
We can arrange pick-up and delivery services during business hours. Please give us 24-48 hours to respond to a query/order. We attempt to deliver within a time of your convenience but in case of delays, we shall respond to you.
Pick up: Please put all laundry in a black bag and our driver will pick up the item providing proof of collection.
Delivery: Please keep the collection note in hand to be given back to the driver so we know if we are delivering to the authorized person.
We only operate within South Oxfordshire Region at the moment.